Launch of New Website & Change to Delivery Charges
With the launch of our new webshop and our streamlined delivery system we have had to introduce some price changes.
With the launch of our new webshop and our streamlined delivery system we have had to introduce some price changes.
We have received our first pallet of Organic Irish Elstar apples! They are now available on our webshop and wholesale.
Cupla seachtain eile! In the next few weeks we hope to have our new website and webshop up and running.
Glasraí fásta in Eirinn! Our grown in Ireland veg box has proven to be very popular since we re introduced
Tá uibheacha againn arís! We have organic free range eggs back in stock again and available for all veg boxes
Well, the harvest is really coming in now with our own broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, beetroot bunches, potatoes, scallions, lettuce
This week we have Irish strawberries from new organic grower Niall Whelan from Co. Carlow. Niall did a 6 month
Biodiversity Project Dear Customers, With COVID measures easing, and having gotten an inch of rain in the last week, we
We had another great week on the farm with lots of planting done just before the rain arrived yesterday. As
Farm Shop Termporarily closed
We are focussing on selling business to business only. Please see our stockist list in our services above.
Farm Tours by request
Tá Gaeilge líofa ag Úna- cuir riomhpost chuichi ag –