What we do

Beechlawn organic farm is a family run business in Ballinasloe Co galway. We have 20 staff and grow 50 acres of certified organic vegetables as well as sourcing organic vegetables from other Irish growers and importing organically grown fruit & vegetables from abroad. We supply vegetables & fruit to shops , supermarkets, whoesalers, market traders, veg box schemes and restaurants around Ireland. Our focus is on producing and distributing organically certified, sustainably produced, healthy and delicious vegetables.

Strict standards: organic food meets strict standards that are your assurance that it is healthy and safe to eat

Chemicals and pesticides: Organic farming does not use chemicals and pesticides that are routinely used in non organic food production.

Animal welfare:Animal welfare is a priority for organic farmers and all animals are reared on grassland which is entirely free of chemical fertilsers, herbicides and pesticides. Animals have free range and adequate living space and bedding.

Healthy soil: Organic farmers ensure that they maintain a healthy soil to pass on to future generations by incorporating methods such as rotations and adding natural fertility such as green manures or farmyard manure.

Water quality: Organic farms preserve our valuable resources as no pollutants are released into our waterways.

Biodiversity: studies have shown that organic farms have 30 % more biodiversity and support a greater number of species than non organic farms. We sow insect friendly grasses & wildflowers during rest periods for our fields.

Energy: Organic farms do not apply artificial chemicals and fertilisers which are by products of the fossil fuel industry. instead, organic farming methods increase soil carbon and therefore reduce green house gases. organic farming can directly contribute to reducing our emmissions and therefore reducing the impact of climate change.

organic farming prohibits the use of genetically modified organisms.
taste: many people genuinely believe that organic food tastes better.
Good for nature- good for you!

Beechlawn Organic Farm Is Recognised As A Producer and distributor Of The Best Quality Organic Vegetables In Ireland, Bringing Healthy Food To Our Customers , Grown By Our Team In A Sustainable Way. We Are Happy In Our Work

  • We grow our veg using only natural methods in Co. Galway. We also source organic veg from other Irish Growers and we import what we cannot buy here. We use nets to keep off pests and manure and seaweed soil feeds to fertilise the soil.
  • We endeavour to use energy efficient and environmentally friendly methods of packing and distribution where possible.
  • We supply supermarkets with pre packed barcoded vegetables and fruit, we also sell loose bulk veg to wholesalers, market traders,  restaurants smaller shops and veg box companies.
  • Our office staff are very friendly and will always try to help when you phone, email or text us!
  • We harvest our veg from 7.30 or 8am Monday to Friday but need the orders by 8am to get the harvest in on time so we can pack and compile orders for the next day. Our van delivers to Dublin Galway Clare and Limerick  and a number of towns in between two days a week
  • We send other orders around Ireland via a courier and a chilled pallet distribution company.  We observe that our farm is a mini wildlife sanctuary so to support us for that reason alone is good for nature. Organic veg was proven to be more nutritious in a study done in the UK in 2014 see this link: www.soilassociation.org/whatisorganic
  • The veg we sell is also delicious, and most people notice a big difference in the taste. We hope you enjoy it too and welcome your valuable feedback.

Aithnítear Beechlawn Organic Farm ina Tháirgeoir de Ghlasraí Orgánacha den Chaighdeán is Fearr in Éirinn, ag Cur Bia Folláin ar Fáil dár gCustaiméirí, Bia a Chuirtear ag Fás ar Bhealach atá Inbhuanaithe. Táimid Sásta inár gCuid Oibre

  • Fásaimid ár nglasraí féin i gContae na Gaillimhe agus ní bhaineamar úsáid ach as modhanna nádúrtha. Aimsímid glasraí orgánacha ó tháirgeoirí eile as Éirinn agus iompórtálaimid rud ar bith nach féidir a cheannach anseo. Úsáidimid eangacha chun lotnaidí a choinneáil ó na glasraí mar aon le haoileach agus cothú ithreach feamainne chun an ithir a leasú.
  • Tá os cionn 20 barr éagsúla á bhfás againn ar ár bhfeirm agus tá 20 duine fostaithe againn (2023)
  • Déanaimid iarracht modhanna pacála agus dáilte a úsáid atá éifeachtach ó thaobh fuinnimh de agus atá báúil don timpeallacht nuair is féidir.
  • Soláthraímid ollmhargaí le torthaí agus le glasraí réamhphacáistithe a bhfuil barrachóid orthu agus díolaimid líon téagartha de ghlasraí scaoilte le miondíoltóirí, trádálaithe margaidh, bialanna, siopaí níos lú agus le húinéirí scéimeanna na mboscaí.
  • Tá an fhoireann atá againn san oifig lách agus cairdiúil agus déanfaidh siad gach uile iarracht cuidiú leat ar an nguthán, ar ríomhphost nó má sheolann tú téacs chugainn!
  • Bainimid ár nglasraí ó 7.30 nó 8am ó Luan go Aoine ach ní mór dúinn na horduithe a bheith faighte againn faoin 8am chun go mbeidh siad bainte in am againn chun a chinntiú go bhfuilimid ábalta orduithe a bheith pacáilte agus curtha le chéile againn don lá dár gcionn. Téann ár veain féin go Baile Átha Cliath, go Gaillimh, Co. an Chláir agus go Luimneach chomh maith le corr bhaile idir eatarthu faoi dhó sa tseachtain.
  • Bainimid úsáid as cúiréir agus as comhlacht dáileacháin pailéid fuaraithe chun orduithe eile a sheoladh amach ar fud an chuid eile den tír. Táimid den tuairim gur tearmann beag bídeach atá inár bhfeirm don fhiadhúlra agus, ar an gcúis sin amháin, tá sé go maith don dúlra tacaíocht a thabhairt dúinn. Cruthaíodh trí staidéar a rinneadh sa Ríocht Aontaithe in 2014 go raibh níos mó cothaithe i nglasraí orgánacha, féach an nasc seo: www.soilassociation.org/whatisorganic
  • Tá na glasraí a dhíolaimid blasta chomh maith, agus tugann an chuid is mó de na daoine an difríocht sa mblas faoi deara. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh tusa sult astu chomh maith agus fáiltímid roimh d’aiseolas luachmhar