Nollaig Shona! We are nearly at holiday time!

Oibritheoirí feirme ar lá fuar! Happiness is a momentary thing and we try to enjoy the moment rather than always looking forward to the holidays ( although that can be difficult at times when the hands are ice cold and you long for a cup of tea) We got a glimpse of it in the […]
Nationwide Stockists of our produce

Please see our stockists nationwide. Why not ask your local vegetables store to stock our vegetables! ask them to contact our office at 0909646713!
Farm shop temporary closure

A chairde Tá brón orainn a rá go bhfuil an siopa feirme dúnta faoi láthair. We are sorry to bring the news that we have temporarily closed our farm shop. We are focusing on our business to business sales which keeps us very busy Monday to Friday and our farm packhouse needs to be kept […]
National Organic Fair this weekend!

Come visit us this Saturday August 31st and Sunday September 1st in MERRION SQUARE, DUBLIN We’d love to meet you! and show you our Irish grown organic veg range! 10AM-5PM Discover the best of organic food production at the National Organic Food Fair! Come and meet @beechlawnorganicfarm on the day. Plenty of fun to be […]
Cuir na síolta arís, a veg growing season begins

Today is the Spring Equinox! 20th of March, when we all need to officially come out of hibernation!! Every year at this time the pressure is on to sow, sow, sow, hoping and praying for a good growing year. We know that we are on the right path with organic vegetable growing as its more […]
Veg box scheme moving to Green Earth Organics

We have some disappointing news for our veg box customers today but equally we have exciting news for our wholesale customers. Next week will be the last week for buying a veg box directly from Beechlawn Organic Farm. At Beechlawn Organic Farm we are growers at heart, have decided to focus on growing veg and […]
Costs going up on our home delivery veg box produce

Organic farms like ours are better for the planet, we have a lower carbon footprint and 30% more biodiversity, less food miles and more nutritious delicious food! However we are affected by climate chaos and rising costs, and unfortunately we have had to increase our prices this week and will next week again to make […]
Irish Grown Halloween Pumpkins

Oíche Shamhna shona dhaoibh! We are all looking forward to a spooky Halloween night next Tuesday. Trick or treaters will get apples and oranges if they call here, which the younger ones may not like, but we know how important fruit is! Our crown prince squash and regular pumpkins are available on our Webshop and […]
Cucumbers, courgettes & celery harvest

Our Summer harvest is coming in!! Please see our webshop for latest offers on Cucumbers, courgettes and Celery