New Irish Organic Veg on the Farm!

Hello friends! Just your fellow CELERIAC here. I am also known as celery root, knob celery, and turnip-rooted celery. I may look a bit funky, but I sure am delicious! I am high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. I am also low in carbs, which makes me a great alternative to potatoes. You can mash, […]
Benefits of adding Organic Kale to your diet!

Kale is a leafy, green vegetable that belongs to the cabbage family that provides a wide variety of health benefits. If you want to dramatically boost the amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you take in – consider adding kale to your diet! By adding Kale into your meal-plan it can offer you the following […]
New Season Irish Organic Vegetables

It’s summer in Ireland and after last weeks sunshine, our plants are ready for their first harvest! We have a fabulous selection of Irish, Organic, Vegetables that are just waiting to make it to your table. NEW This Week: Pointed Cabbage Dark Kale Cherry Tomatoes Cucumbers Onion Bunches […]
Welcome Back Cafés & Restaurants!

After a long start to the year, we would love to give a big shout-out and welcome-back to all of our cafés and restaurants that have reopened under the new reduced restrictions. We are delighted to be supplying you all and know our tasty veg is in the of best hands! If you are looking […]
Hungry gap Season

Hungry Gap season is upon us (less crops to harvest in between old and new season plants which are not fully grown). We have fresh lettuce, scallions, spinach and chard from Ireland at the moment and a small selection of scallion bunches. The weather has been cooler than normal thus slowing growth, but we hope […]
Welcome to our New Website

If you are a returning Veg Box Customer, please click here to Reset your Password. If you are a New Customer, please click here to Register. If you are a Shop / Trade / Commercial Buyer, please click here to contact the office .
Veg boxes are busy

A chairde Our veg boxes were very busy this week and we ran out of courgettes peppers and some other imported items. We replaced them with other items where possible but with some items we gave a refund. Please contact the office if there were any issues with your box that you want to discuss.-you […]
January lockdown

A chairde, tá súil againn go raibh sos mhaith agaibh um Nollag agus go bhfuil sibh slán sabhalta anois. We hope you had some rest over the Christmas and are safe now. The new lockdown is bringing increased demand for our veg boxes so some imported produce may be low in stock. We encourge you […]
Deliveries December 30th

We are delivering veg boxes in Galway, Clare, Ballinasloe & Athlone again on Wednesday 30th Dec. Order deadline is 5pm December 28th! We are also delivering to regular veg box customers in Dublin. Our farm office opens again on January 4th and veg box deliveries resume as normal that week. NOLLAIG SHONA AGUS ATHBHLIAIN FAOI MHAISE DHAOIBH GO LÉIR! […]