Welcome to our New Website

If you are a returning Veg Box Customer, please click here to Reset your Password. If you are a New Customer, please click here to Register. If you are a Shop / Trade / Commercial Buyer, please click here to contact the office .
Veg boxes are busy

A chairde Our veg boxes were very busy this week and we ran out of courgettes peppers and some other imported items. We replaced them with other items where possible but with some items we gave a refund. Please contact the office if there were any issues with your box that you want to discuss.-you […]
January lockdown

A chairde, tá súil againn go raibh sos mhaith agaibh um Nollag agus go bhfuil sibh slán sabhalta anois. We hope you had some rest over the Christmas and are safe now. The new lockdown is bringing increased demand for our veg boxes so some imported produce may be low in stock. We encourge you […]
Deliveries December 30th

We are delivering veg boxes in Galway, Clare, Ballinasloe & Athlone again on Wednesday 30th Dec. Order deadline is 5pm December 28th! We are also delivering to regular veg box customers in Dublin. Our farm office opens again on January 4th and veg box deliveries resume as normal that week. NOLLAIG SHONA AGUS ATHBHLIAIN FAOI MHAISE DHAOIBH GO LÉIR! […]
Christmas veg box order schedules & siopa feirme

Táimid beagnach ansin! Beidh siopa feirme ar an 23ú. OUR CHRISTMAS FARM SHOP WILL BE HELD ON WEDS 23RD FROM 12 noon to 6pm. We will pack some set boxes and hampers for drop in customers and Christmas custom orders can be collected that day also. Its very wet around the farm right now so […]
Organic Turkeys for Christmas

We are so pleased to Offer Organic Free Range Turkeys this year as an option to our customers. This is our first year to offer Turkeys and have two fabulous supliers Margaret McDonald from Co Kildare and John Curran from Co Meath. We are offering regular turkeys and bronze turkeys this year and the option […]
Raon nua earraí iomláine deanta in Eireann/ New range of Irish Organic wholefoods

Tá raon nua de earraí iomláine déanta in Eireann ar fail againn anois. Leite, ola rapeseed, feamain, plúr spelt, málaí té, sú úlla, cáis, agus níos mó. Tá siad in OTHER ITEMS sa siopa.
Christmas Boxes Launched

We are launching our Christmas set veg boxes this week! You can pre order the boxes and leave a note specifying the week you want it delivered. More to follow on this!
Some Changes to Galway Deliveries

With the new level 5 restrictions our veg boxes are getting quite busy again and we may have to move some of our Galway deliveries in the Knocknacarra / Barna area to Friday (as the Thursday run is very busy). We apologise for the inconvenience caused and hope you can bear with us during these […]