Oibritheoirí feirme ar lá fuar! Happiness is a momentary thing and we try to enjoy the moment rather than always looking forward to the holidays ( although that can be difficult at times when the hands are ice cold and you long for a cup of tea) We got a glimpse of it in the field when Fiadh took her camera out to capture the harvest after a snowfall in Annaghbeg, where we rent land on a lovely farm. The lads had been working hard so weren’t feeling the cold. Happy days. Thanks you to all who support our work. We have had a great growing year. We wish our wonderful and faithful customers and our dedicated staff the loveliest of holidays as we celebrate the solstice on the 21st of December – the original celebration and of course Christmas-ho ho ho!  We also hope we can all help the people of Gaza and the many other places where there is suffering in the world right now.