Wholesale Customers

We supply locally grown organic and imported organic vegetables and fruit to a variety of wholesale customers.  This includes, but is not limited to: shops, supermarkets, canteens,  restaurants, hotels, veg box schemes and larger consolidators.

If you run a food business and are interested in buying our vegetables, you can register your new account here  Click to Become a Customer.


Our office staff will review your application and give it the green light on our next working day ( Mon-Fri 9am -5pm). We ask for up front payment for the first two deliveries and at that point, all going well, we may open a monthly account with payment on account. You can pay directly through our website when ordering or by card over the phone.


Seasonal Guide To Irish Grown Vegetable Availability / Treoir Shéasúrach maidir le Glasraí atá ar Fáil a Fhástar in Éirinn   https://beechlawnorganicfarm.ie/seasonal-guide/